Monday, May 14, 2007

Where are you baby?

Hi everyone, thought I'd update you with the latest saga:
Thursday night went to bed at 10pm and straight away started having contractions. This has happened before so didn't think too much of it. Three hours later decided we'd better call round Alan's parents and get hospital bag ready with last minute things. At 2am phoned the hospital. AT 2:30 phoned the hospital back to say the contractions were just a couple of minutes apart and we were coming in. Got to hospital at 3pm, had a few contractions and then at 4 they stopped completely. Was I mad! So we lost a whole night's sleep and didn't even get a baby out of it. Absolutely exhausted we returned home at 7:30 just in time to see the girls off to school. So just in case my pregnancy hasn't been bad enough now it seems the birth is going to be a pain too. I keep having contractions but nothing progresses. Seems like it's just too cosy inside and enjoying the chocolate too much! All the baby stuff is ready and I keep getting the house clean ready for baby and then having to do it all over again. With reference to dad's quip, maybe it's lost its boarding pass! The head's been down and engaged for the last couple of weeks which makes walking about lots of fun for my pelvis:) I'm not a very good advocate for getting pregnant am I? So anyway, not that I'm fed up of being pregnant or anything but I'd really appreciate your prayers for a safe and QUICK delivery.
Other news;
Recently we've been trying to teach Leah that it's more important to be honest and that if she tells us the truth she won't get in trouble. She's recently taken to drawing on everything. Mum's birthday card arrived with a £5 note (sorry I couldn't stop her from opening it, it was the morning we were in hospital). Well now she has a £5 with a queen that has pink hair, a colourful pink pattern everywhere and 'Leah' written on it (she should know better than to incriminate herself:) Luckily a girl at a checkout at Tesco accepted it anyway and we bought Leah a triple pack of Barbie DVD's, so thanks mum. Also today, Alan got the girls some library books. Unfortunately one was a puzzle book and left to her own devices Leah has filled in all the mazes and a little more graffiti besides. Poor thing, she ran upstairs and hid under the desk when Alan caught her. She obviously didn't twig that you're not allowed to write in library books. It took a lot of convincing for her to admit to that one, she's obviously less afraid of me because she'd tell me and not Alan.
We've decided to buy a Vauxhall Zafira so if anyone sees a good deal on a nearly new one let us know. Today Alan finally fitted the fireplace. The plumbing is nearly done and he just has to put a vent in the wall so I hope that by the end of the week we'll be ready to have the carpet fitted. The fireplace is very posh and big, not sure it suits the room but it's too late now! The bad thing is that it's so posh it'll make our furniture next to it look shabbier.
Well I'd better stop there or none of you with bother to read such a long email! Love to all, pray this baby out for me,
Katie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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